Get individual offer from us in 3 easy steps!
1. Choose the products you like. 2. Complete address fields: 3. You can checkout now.

Select a product page on left side navigation.

Type in a quantity on each product you like and press the "Save selection" button.

Your "cart" will show up each time you press this button.

You can continue selecting more products on other product pages.

If you enter a product's page again the already selected products are copied to this page. Thus you can change and update this.

You always can press the "Save Selection" button to view your cart.


Fill in the required* address fields.

You can fill in more info in the payment and shipping fields.

Please assign a unique »reference ID * to identify your inquiry for further communications. This may be an inquiry- or purchase order no.

You can add more specific information for your organization in the »reference text field.

You can view what will be send to us by clicking on the
"View Print/Fax-Form" button

A copy is send to your e-mail address when you press the button "Checkout".

You will receive an answer from us within 3 business days.

The Golden Selection
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North America Tel: 450-969-9169
Europe Tel: +49 7243-5190

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